In the field of higher education, GS. Dr. Tran Duc Vien (former Director of Vietnam National University of Agriculture) is really one of the leaders who always pioneered in many aspects: promoting international publication, interdisciplinary combination between agricultural sciences and science. social studies, initiate innovation of training and research processes associated with business needs, and always put faith, create all conditions to encourage young scientists to engage.
Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien
Introducing Social Sciences into teaching
Since the late 1980s, young scientist Tran Duc Vien has recognized the lack of social knowledge of agricultural scientists. When transferring the results of agricultural science into production practice, it can lead to consequences: the same technical progress, successful application in farmer A, commune A, but failure when applied in farmer B, commune B. He said: “Farmers have their own reasons for not accepting new technological and technological advances, but scientists do not understand the cause, and how easy it is. The most reason for their failure is that they are thought by farmers to be outdated. ” Therefore, he said that it is necessary to analyze social issues in agricultural development instead of purely technical research – in short, to “understand the people” in the spirit of respect for the people, the people and the people. Farmers are teachers before “teaching” them something.
In his research to “understand the people”, he was greatly influenced by the ideas of social scientists, two of his bed-and-bed books were Pierre Gourou’s Northern Delta Farmer. and We eat the jungle of Georges Condominas. He is one of the few agricultural scientists to have many international research and publications on community development based on respect for cultural diversity. Therefore, in 2001, he was invited to lecture at Kyoto University, and later Keio University (Japan), to lecture on the relationship between ethnic culture and farming systems in Vietnam ( This view is reflected in the article Culture, Environment and Farming Systems in Vietnam’s Northern Mountain Region, published in Southeast Asian Studies, Vol 41. No2. September 2003).
Currently, the concept of community development on the basis of respect for cultural diversity and the rights of cultural actors has become popular among academics and is recognized by the policy makers and the public of Vietnam. But 20 years ago, when Vien introduced this view to discussing and recommending policies, it was very new, even making many people consider it “reactionary ideology”. For example, when the local authorities in Nghe An and the Pu Mat National Forest Management Board advocated taking the Dan Lai people out of the national forest core area, arguing that the backward, ‘backward’ farming practices of the ethnic minorities are the cause of forest degradation, then Professor Vien proved that their cultivation method does not harm national forests and needs to “decentralize” them by keeping them and allocating forests for them. supervise and protect the national core zone.
With the simple goal “first of all to learn and learn people is to understand people”, right from the years of 1993, 1994, GS. Vien conceived the idea of bringing a number of subjects in social sciences such as sociology, ethnography, psychology … into teaching at the Agricultural University I, the forerunner of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (Hoc) hospital). He said that “people working in agricultural science can learn Western and Chinese technology and technology in a few months and years, but they all need to be filled with gaps in sociological knowledge and apply it in real life.” , because agricultural science always needs the close connection between the laboratory and farmers’ fields. ” On the basis of the subject of sociology, together with the subjects of Law, Political theory, he established the Department of Theory, Politics and Society to teach and research on sociology and law in all all faculties of the Academy. It can be said that Agricultural University I is the first university in the field of engineering to introduce social sciences into teaching.
Connect with businesses
From before the 2000s, GS. Vien has found a major inadequacy of scientific research and training activities at Agricultural University I as well as many other universities is not based on the needs of employers – businesses, not associated with the market. school. Universities go on teaching and studying what they have and feel they need; The enterprises keep producing and trading according to the needs of the market, very rarely they sit down together. The inevitable consequence is “I train what you do not need”, this both makes the school away from life and wastes resources (students cannot find jobs, businesses have to retrain). To overcome this, he proposed “to learn enterprises to know in practice, what businesses need, why they do it without doing anything else, why businesses do not look to universities like overseas? ”. Since then, he and the Academy’s leadership have begun to reorganize the training associated with the business needs survey (build training course after enterprise survey), with a beginning in the industry of vegetables, fruits and landscapes.
But “attracting” businesses to participate in training or scientific research with schools is not easy, because “Vietnamese enterprises do not believe in scientific products of schools and institutes. Even in some years, taking students down to the grassroots level, they did not allow them to practice, only for “training” – that is to stand by, because they do not believe students, they are afraid of students ruining their jobs “, GS. Vien said. And the schools also do not believe in businesses, saying that businesses just “eat ready” but not helping the process of training and research. In such difficulty, the “wisdom” is forced to appear. He and the school leaders urged alumni who are doing business to return to help the school by: contributing to the training process, participating in essay, thesis, and extra-curricular talks for students. students, take internships, then gradually call them to job fairs to recruit students. Currently, many students of the Academy have had jobs since the graduation thesis. GS. Vien always agrees with the maxim: “Alumni are the pride of the Academy, the person who makes the physique, shape and position of the university”. Therefore, according to him, the university must also “strive constantly to always be the pride of the students”. By doing so, up to now, the Academy has 20 training-oriented disciplines associated with businesses, and has been “in shape”, every six months or a year, the faculties get business opinions to continuously change. new training program.
After organizing joint training activities with successful businesses – there was a “trust”, the Academy invited businesses to contribute ideas for research and purchase scientific products. “I invite businesses to come to the lab and tell them: ‘Here we have labs, study staff from abroad, can make technology products with quality equal to 7-8 10 compared to foreign countries, if you guys work with us, we can create quality products of foreign countries’. I have to understand and start my pride and self-improvement in business so that they can complete scientific research with us, ”said Professor Vien. Thanks to these efforts, Vietnam National University of Agriculture has become a reliable address that many large enterprises such as Hai Phong Seed Company, Marphavet Veterinary Drug Group, Thai Binh Seed Corporation (Thaibinhseeds) ), Cuong Tan Co., Ltd (Nam Dinh) … looking to buy technology products to commercialize and accompany the Institute in organizing job fairs and recruiting graduates.
Encouraging and protecting committed young people
In parallel with promoting research and training activities in line with market demands, an important milestone left by Professor Vien is to encourage young generations to cultivate aspiration and dare to think and dare to do it. Since 2007, GS. Vien set out and persisted in implementing the policy of encouraging international publication at the Academy with the stipulation that every year PhDs must have new technology for production or an international publication, each author of the article in ISI list will get an increase in salary before the deadline and a reward of 25 million … This policy really pressures the Academy staff and encourages young people to strive hard, partly eliminating “the idea of banyan tree”. topical tree ”in the scientific” village “. But few know that, right from the first moment of applying the above mentioned encouragement and announcement policy, Professor Vien as the head of the Academy was under pressure from those who had conservative ideas inside and outside the Academy. But “it is not allowed to falter, it is necessary to step forward”, because he always thought: “To build a good research and teaching agency, in addition to creating resources. , motivation also needs to create pressure for cadres to work. Then can nurture the aspiration and passion of youth. That is the most important, because young people with aspirations and passions can pedal with all difficulties to succeed.
In 2014, according to the announcement of the National Center for Science and Technology Information, the Vietnam National University of Agriculture was one of the 13 most internationally published universities and research institutes in Vietnam, two times in a row recently (May). July 2016 and January 2017) was ranked as one of the top 3, top 4 best universities in Vietnam, top 50 best universities in Southeast Asia by Webomeotrics.
On the one hand, Professor Vien encouraged young staff to study, “extroverted” by international publication, on the other hand, he often went to the departments and laboratories to “find out” new factors, people always ” move forward”. Therefore, many units of the Academy are led by very young scientists. He said: “When I meet my brothers, I always pay attention and see that those who have the capacity and desire to work very hard and enthusiastically, they do not claim their rights, they don’t ask for money, they just need to Professional research environment.
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